
hello from the designers!

Hello from Art Center!  We're busy over here in Pasadena, cooking-up ideas for the Bus of the Future project.  At this point, no idea is too silly.  Our sketchbooks are quickly filling-up with some wild designs and this is just the beginning!  Check back often to watch the progress and give input.

-Mike, Gabriel, Giuseppe 


GAFdesign said...

Hey there all you curious BBB afficionados (Boy I hope I spelled that right...) I guess my colleagues have already introduced the designers on the team. I think that, as a group of extaordinary talent and thoughtfulness, we are very excited to hear what all of you have to say about the BBB system and other systems in the LA area, and we want to try to be as receptive as possible to your comments.

Just today we were talking about a curious belief people in this region seem to have re: public trans; Ive heard many people say that they dont want major rail or bus lines going through their neigborhoods because it would bring lots of "bad influences" into their neighborhoods. I was wondering if anybody could give me some more insight into that notion either way. My colleagues and I would certainly appreciate it.

Yours truly,
Giuseppe Filippone

Tragic Sandwich said...

NIMBYism is a big problem. It benefits everyone, but there seem to be an awful lot of people who can't see that. I think it's an education issue, rather than a design issue. People need to understand that transportation has to be available to all members of a society. And after all, some of those members of society work for you or near you in ways you find essential. You want them to get to work. (I'm using the generic "you" here.) And some of us want to use public transportation because it's better for the environment, better for our budgets, and better for our peace of mind. The NIMBY people don't see that, either.

Personally, I'm delighted that there is a bus stop near my home and near my office, and I'd love to have a rail line in my area.

GAFdesign said...

Thats a good point Mr. Sandwich. I think its still one of the main things we need to get over. I wonder if I could gather stories of people out there who were truly adversely affected by the appearance of Mass trans in their neighborhoods and people who were positively affected by it. I also wonder just how much more energy cost related pressure it would really take to convince would be NIMBYs that projects like this could be worthwhile...

Anonymous said...

Ms. Sandwich, actually--but no harm, no foul!

Anonymous said...

Bus of the Future 2050:

How about a bus with connecting Pods. As the bus breezes along the main route and individual side streets come into view, the pod breaks away from the main frame and the riders needing those streets would of course be seated in those individual pods. The individual pods run the routes and quickly connects back to the main frame as it cruises down the main boulevard.

Anonymous said...

For the bus of the future, I would like to see a double-decker bus with seating only at the top of the decker and seating and standing capabilities at the bottom decker. If we put two of them together like the buses we have running now, this would allow for more riders. I'd also like to see some sort of air freshening or recycling system installed. Being a germophobe, I detest being in crowded situations with people sneezing and coughing without covering their mouths. Furthermore, the air grows quite stale quickly in overcrowded conditions and you smell all types of unsavory odors.